Agile development consulting
Agile, Scrum, Kanban, SAFe
I support modern ways of developing products and services. I help teams in digital transformation - what to do if you want to switch to agile, but don't know how to do it with the best result.
What I can:
  • Analyze existing development processes
  • Choose the proper methods
  • Find inefficiency in the value stream
  • Help crafting a digital transformation plan
  • Support as a permanent advisor throughout the change process
Mentorship for managers
With the growth of the team, many processes stop working and you need to restart them or introduce new ones. I help to shorten the path and use the best practices that will help in your situation. Or maybe there are problems with the motivation of employees. Or there may be difficulties with the employee development system.
What I can:
  • Analyze a specific problem
  • Find root causes
  • Help craft a solution
  • Support as a permanent mentor
  • Help hire the best fitted team leads and development managers
  • Improve the recruitment process
  • Soft and hard skills development
Mentoring for Agile Agent's of Change
It happens that it is not possible to overcome opposition when changing processes. It is difficult to work with a team as a Scrum Master. It is not clear how to design a Kanban system. Or how to improve an existing one.
What I can:
  • Diagnose the causes of problems
  • Teach to deal with resistance
  • Show ways to analyze development processes
  • Support as a permanent mentor
  • Soft and hard skills development